Emotional Capacity Tools
Emotional capacity TOOLKIT
Many of the difficulties we experience in relationship with ourselves and other people are a reflection of our relationship to emotions.
Emotions are a powerful source of energy and information about our wants, needs, values and desires. Most of us don’t come out of our family of origins with any skills or capacities in paying attention to, being able to identify, name, and express our feelings productively to ourselves or others.
Building your emotional awareness and capacity is essential to having greater emotional and relational intelligence. It’s impossible to build connection with others if we don’t know how we feel and can’t communicate it.
“Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I’d like to see you living in better conditions.”
This exercise will help you see your beliefs about feelings and how those might get in the way of increasing your emotional capacity.
This exercise will help you identify feelings that are easier for you access and help expand your emotional range.
This exercise will help you practice sitting with your feelings, which allows you to learn from them and not let them control your life.